Manuscript Assessment
& Appraisal

In-Scribe offers a leading manuscript assessment and appraisal advice service that provides expert, market-aware appraisal and advice to writers at all levels.
We would love to help you with your manuscript, prior to you sending it to a Literary Agent / Publishing House – or self-publishing. We’ll help you with plot direction, characterisation and even aid you in choosing a book title, too.
We give writers and authors an honest, detailed and professional manuscript appraisal, helping them to understand what they need to do, in order to give their manuscript a winning chance.
Our success rate is very high, one of our clients got signed by a leading London Literary Agent within three weeks of our assessment and copy-edit!
Whatever you are working on or have finished the first draft of, we would love to give you guidance and support. An assessment will also provide practical guidelines for self-editing (we can copy-edit for you as well, and will reduce the cost of services, if bought at the same time).
Our in-depth appraisals and assessments include annotations made directly onto the Word.doc of your manuscript – as well as our emailed Report. The annotated manuscript gets right to the heart of the matter and enables you to work on your manuscript in a very fluid and cohesive way.
Our developmental advice will help you with your narrative elements, showing you what you’re doing well, what’s working less well - and why - and how to get your manuscript into the best possible shape.
Contact In-Scribe to tell us more about your project and what you'd like to achieve with it.